Japanese Drugstore Haul

Hi there! Today I am going to talk about the products I picked up from a local drugstore. I got them about a month ago I guess but I just didn't have time (and energy) to write a post about them. Sorry for the delay!

Let's start from this product. "Biore powder sheet". It was my first time to buy this kind of product since when I was in highschool but I thought I needed it because it had been really hot in Tokyo and my office is not close to the station. It's not cool to be sweating and melting in the morning, is it? So I picked up the one in "Aquatic Rose".

It feels pretty cool when I wipe my body parts with this sheet, and as you may know it contains powder to make your skin less sticky and sweaty. Actually it instantly makes my skin dry and silky smooth. Plus it smells nice. It's definitely a summer must-have. 

Biore pore strips are another purchase that I made for the first time in like 10 years. I loved it when I was younger but I stopped using it after I heard it would damage your skin and also make your pores larger even instead of making them smaller. But I just wanted to try it again because I was sick and tired of my blackheads. This time I bought it with Poretol pore cleansing gel which I head was very effective. 

Basically it's deep cleansing gel which warms up when you apply it on your skin, which loosen up your pores. Basically you apply it on your nose, then massage for like 3 minutes and rinse it off. Now your pores are open and ready for a deep-cleansing. Then you wet your nose, then put the pore strip.

This strip is black, which makes it easier for you to see how much of dirt (I know, gross) you've pulled out from your pores. But it works exactly the same as the normal white one. 

I'm going to write an in-depth review about this product but CANMAKE eyeshadow base is very nice. It claims to become powder when it's applied on your skin but I don't think it does...it's kind of like a wet and oily texture which you need to work on really carefully, but once it's blended in completely, it doesn't crease at all and whatever you applied on top of it would stay there for hours and hours. It's good quality for 500 yen.

URIAGE lip balm is my holy-grail lip balm for sure! I've used up more than 50 tubes of this product and I would repurchase it until I find a lip balm which works better than this one. It's such a moisturising and gentle lip balm which repairs my chapped lips over one night. It has a very subtle vanilla scent which I love. It's pretty expensive for a lip balm (1040yen) and it only lasts for like a month or so, but I've never seen a lip balm that beats this one. 

Last but not least, Lavshuca Candy Bonbon lip in OR-1. I didn't buy this product but I included it here as it's sold in drugstores. I got it as a PR sample before it was launched and I was so excited to see the colour range as it's a pretty nice lip stick! It's a tiny lipstick and looks a little bit cheap (like a toy I owned when I was like 5 years old) but the quality of the lipstick itself is very good.

Mine is in OR-1 which is a very pretty orange shade.

It goes on very smoothly without drying out my lips. It reflects light beautifully and makes my lips look fuller. I guess it's about 900yen which isn't too bad for a lipstick but definitely expensive when I think about the size of it...it's just teeny tiny!

Do you have any Japanese drugstore beauty brands you're interested in?