Beautiful soaps dress up your bathroom

There are one of the most beautiful soaps I have ever seen. I got them from S.M.Strand in Covent Garden. Apparently they don't even have a website or a branch, meaning you cannot get their amazing soaps online which is a shame.

Covent Garden was the first place I walked around by myself in London. I was thinking how lucky I was to be there -it was my dream come true to be in London. Then I noticed the scent of essential oils. I looked at the direction and found the stall which sells many beautiful soaps. 

I got this gift box for my mom, and a small soap for myself. I really regret that I only got one, I was being too stingy! I haven't been able to use the soap yet because I don't want to waste it...Anyway, the box was about 15 pounds I remember, and the soap was 4-5 pounds.

There are different scents like rose, geranium, rosemary, ylang ylang, orange, peppermint etc etc...and some English ladies were stopping by saying how wonderful the scent was. The girl who was selling the soaps was actually Japanese, and we spoke in Japanese which was nice as I was missing speaking it a little.

I think the soaps like these are not to be used, but to be looked at. I have no idea how to use this gorgeous soap, not just because it looks perfectly beautiful but I just don't know HOW. They smell amazing but the scent is not too strong, so I put it in my bathroom area (not inside of the bathroom). 

I am sure I will drop by the stall next time I go to London. I will pick up more of their soaps so that I can actually use them, not just looking at them!