Empty my mind

The other day I went to the coffee shop near my house with some magazines. I sat in my favourite couch by the window, with a sandwich and a cup of coffee. I only spent about 2-3 hours there reading but it was really refreshing for me. That was exactly what I needed.

I only work 3 days a week. I used to work full-time at the company where I'm currently working at but I worked like crazy at the beginning because they didn't have enough staff and I just couldn't finish my tasks. Because my office is pretty far from my house -3.5 hours journey in crowded trains a day is not fun- and also because I had the "history", I got sick and I switched my contract to part time. But even now I'm in charge of the sales department, and we don't have enough staff still and I just have to work overtime. That's OK when I'm able to be juggling 50 tasks at the same time, but when I run out of energy -mentally and physically- my brain stops functioning. I just don't understand what my boss is saying, I can't talk properly, I don't get to get things done. Basically I become a big lump taking space at the tiny office.

So I need some time to empty my mind on my day off. I realized that I would start blogging when I'm staying home on a weekend, and once I start blogging I'm doing it all day long. So I end up using my brain although I'm supposed to be relaxing and chilling. That is why I go to the coffee shop to relax, without getting disturbed by PC and TV. I just sit, read, read and read. I finished 2 magazines the other day. Sometimes you force yourself to do something to make a change, and actually it could be really good for you. 

<Best ways to empty your mind...in my opinion>
 *Meditate - I even bought a book about meditation, but I've never tried it yet. Just because it seems difficult. Does any of you guys meditate?
*YOGA - I loved YOGA until I got collapsed from the lack of blood right after the lesson.
*Walk a dog - I liked it when I had a dog long time ago. It's refreshing.
*Aromatherapy - It kind of takes me to La-La-Land...
*Go experience the nature - Even a park near your house is fine. But ideally I want to go to Kamakura to enjoy the nature and the traditional side of Japan.
*Read - Reading doesn't sound relaxing much, but it really is. I love reading magazines so much but I also like reading self-help / business related books. 
*Watch beauty videos - Fleur, Estee, Annie, Sammi, Zoe, Anna...I'm subscribing to more than 100 beauty gurus! While watching their videos I don't feel anything but joy. 

So hopefully I can empty my mind tomorrow as it's Saturday. I might go to the coffee shop again and read, because it's pretty warm and cozy there. I wish I had a couch here in my room, but if I bought a couch I would have to give up on my bed. That's how tiny my room is. Anyway, hope you all have a lovely weekend! Let me know how you relax!

P.S. I cannto believe it's December. How did it happen?