Thorncroft Kombucha Cordial


Thorncroft Kombucha Cordial

Do you like water? I don't. It doesn't have any tastes and it feels really heavy somehow, so I am always dehydrated. I drink tea and coffee, and my favourite drink is fizzy drink. I know that's really bad for my health, and I've been trying to change my habit by drinking cordial instead of juice and fizzy drink.

My all time favourite is ginger cordial from whichever brand because I love ginger and it warmth up my body in this colder season. I usually pour a bit of ginger cordial and hot water into a mug and drink it during work or before bed. It really does work and sometimes I get hot and turn my heating off! I strongly recommend ginger cordial if you have a poor circulation or have a cold.


But I recently I received this cordial as a PR sample and immediately fell in love with it. It's Kombucha cordial which obviously contains Kombucha which contributes to general well-being by strengthening and stabilizing your metabolic and digestive processes. 

This cordial has got peach juice and apple juice in it as well as Kombucha, so it tastes really good. I have never had Kombucha by itself so I cannot judge what it tastes like to be honest, but this cordial must taste much better. 

If you don't like water and are interested in a healthier choice than fizzy drink or coffee, I recommend cordial for sure. But it must contain sugar which I think is not good. For me drinking something which doesn't contain caffeine or artificial ingredients is good enough!  It's only about 3 pounds in the U.K. and you can get it from a supermarket I believe. It's 2500 - 3000yen in Japan (which is about 17 - 20 pounds) here in Japan which is a total ripoff!!

What is your favoruite healthy drink?